My dear Feng Shui Sister and friend, Kimi, introduced me to a fabulous store in Chinatown today called, Super Citizen!
It's located at 22 South Pauahi Street right next to Mark's Garage:
I was so excited just walking through the front door! Look at the graffiti chalk drawing of the STARS on the wall!! I don't know if this is supposed to be there or not. But I didn't care as seeing hokus (stars) are always a great sign in my book!!!
Kimi wanted to introduce me to her friend and fellow Chinatown shop owner, Sandra Fowler. Kimi had recently introduced my BSS and fellow artist, Debbie Friedrich's, special line of Zenatona products called Bloomies.
And here she is! Super citizen herself, Sandra Fowler, owner of Super Citizen!
You guys, this store is sooooo cute! It's a Sustainable Lifestyle Store which means that all the products that Sandra carries are eco-friendly, handmade, organic and most likely one-of-a-kind! Her store reeks of wholesome goodness!!!
She is the first local retail store to carry Zenatona's Bloomies:
Sandra showed me some really cool earth friendly items like these biodegradable cloths that are made from wood pulp. They can replace 60-90 rolls of paper towels!!!
And these organic dolls!
She supports local artists by purchasing locally made items such as handsoaps and jewelry.
And these cool R.E.U.S.E. jeans!
Several things really caught my attention such as this cardboard airplane that was hanging from the ceiling!
At first I was like, "whaaaat???" But then, I noticed this on the showroom floor...
OMG!!! Some company was BRILLIANT enough to take cardboard into creative forms of pretend transportation or how's this!
I remember being a kid and my sister and I had hours of fun playing with empty cardboard boxes. Isn't this soo dang clever??? Sandra has the Lemonade Stand, Airplane and ROCKET in stock at her shop. This is so awesome and I want one. One of each!!!
Loved these 2 Tier lunch containers!
And they are on SALE!! In fact, check out the sales too!!!
What I've shown you is just a snippet of all the wonderful products and alternative choices to your every day needs. Super Citizen is a really super cool store which you should all check out! Especially for the holidays, folks!
Take a trip into Chinatown and explore the great local shops that are there. Stop into Super Citizen and tell Sandra HI!!! And pick up a Bloomie or two while you're there, will ya?
Peace out, my friends!!!
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